Dear Mirror.

Everyday I wake up and I open my eyes, every single day I  go through the same things and the same faces. Everyday I think the same thoughts, and pledge to do the same things and I don’t. Every day I promise myself that today is the last day I am going to be a…


It’s been such a long time since my fingers typed my feelings, it’s sad really. It’s been a while since I vented and it makes me so filled, bombarded with a mixture of unbearable feelings. It is hard being busy all the time, when the days just seem to fly by without you being able…


I’ve missed dreaming of your face. I have missed the imaginary warmth of your touch. The love that resonated throughout my soul, even though it was a mere fantasy. I loved every detail, I felt every spec of your love exit your body into penetrate mine. I daydreamed about you, because I needed someone to…

Losing Life. 

With a tear falling down her cheeks, she tried to draw a smile on her lifeless lips. Staring at him, focusing on his every move. The way he slowly lifts his arms, the way his fingers move through his hair, how he talks and how he looks around as if he is searching for something….

My Home.

In your body I find my home. Passing my fingers over every single inch of your body, is my heaven. Smelling the side of your neck, the edges of your lips. Tasting the softness of your lips. Kissing you in between your eyes. Feeling your hands slowly running down my back; like a drop of…

Pregnancy and Life

WELL! It’s a beautiful start for the day, I would choose any start that has the word weekend in it or better yet, vacation. Even though, it is only a week long but I have been dying to sleep without the need to set an alarm to get up and study law crap! However, I…

Something Lost and Something Found

In life there is always something lost and something found, In the beginning love is found and sorrow is lost, In the beginning the heart expands to nurture all the warmth that it can, In the beginning the mind is sapped by pictures of an accomplished smile. In the midst of hardship love is lost…

Betrayal of a Dream

Just a taste of a broken a heart killed me a million times within a fraction of a second. Only a tint of its appalling odor suffocated me. Betrayal moves through the heart and into every single vein; owning it. Betrayal from the one person you never thought would hurt you is the death that…

The Doors to Happiness

We weren’t meant to be perfect.  We weren’t born to know exactly what to do and how to do it. We were born to make mistakes.  We were meant to learn many things on our own. One of the most difficult and most simple things we are meant to achieve is happiness.  Happiness isn’t something…

A Tragedy to Live.

How pathetic is it to daydream about disease and pain ? How sad is it to fantasize about you being there to relieve it ? A person who stays up at night damaging herself in her dreams and fantasies breaking every bone and releasing every tear, just to imagine how your hand would feel against…

Searching for Me.

“Once upon a time:, such a cliché. I have heard it over and over again yet I always long for the story that follows. Maybe it could be mine, maybe it can steal my heart into a new land where it can be free. Maybe this story can be about me, someone simple or someone…

Questions of Love.

How can I possibly tell you that I need more attention and care than others ? How can I tell you that I am damaged and I need you to fix me ? How can I let you know how much pain is living inside me, consuming my mind ? How can I show you…